Unpopular Opinions: Homework Isn’t that Bad


Welcome to Unpopular Opinions, a new series in which I will address some uncommon thoughts I have, and why I feel that way. This month, I will be discussing the benefits of homework and why it isn’t as bad as many people think. Now, I’m sure many of you have already decided that I’m crazy, but hear me out. I might just change your mind, or offer up a new perspective you’ve never seen before.
Homework is a great way to review what you learned in class. The teachers provide you the material in school, and homework is like a test to see how well you understood what was taught. If you don’t understand, then when you go over the homework the next day, you can always ask your teacher to explain whatever you are having trouble with. Sometimes things look easy when other people do it, but when you try it out, you may discover it is harder than you thought. Homework takes care of problems like this in a school setting. For me in particular, I’m a little slow at catching on to things in class, and homework is a helpful way for me to go over what I learned again and practice a little. Teachers, especially those in honors classes, tend to move pretty quickly, so homework gives me extra time to really learn the topic. Students who do their homework generally tend to have better scores on tests because they understand the material better. They have gotten enough practice, so they are more comfortable with the information they have to know for their tests.
Having homework can also help students develop good habits such as time management, priorities, and taking responsibility. Everyone knows that work doesn’t stop when the dismissal bell rings. Students have homework and studying to do on top of extracurricular activities and sports. As irritating as it is right now, that’s what the real world is like, and students need to understand how to manage their workload. If you know you have a lot of things to do after school, you need to make good use of your time. Get the most important assignments done first and make a checklist to keep yourself organized.
However, with these benefits come certain stipulations. Not too much homework should be given as to not overwhelm and stress the students. Homework in moderation reaps all the benefits it has to offer while assigning too much can be detrimental to a student’s performance as a whole. There is a happy medium between assigning enough work to keep students engaged and productive as opposed to worn out and stressed. It is unfair to assign over fifty pages of a reading and have the students study for a test at the same time. My biggest pet peeve regarding this subject is that some teachers assign a ridiculous amount of homework and then wonder why students are sleep deprived. The answer is clear and needs to be addressed. There is a good opportunity to utilize homework to help students, and it is just being wasted.
Another issue I have is that some teachers assign homework that has nothing to do with the material taught in class. Homework is most effective when it is used as a review for what was already taught. If students have to teach themselves something completely new just to do their homework, then what’s the point of attending class in the first place? If teachers do this, then the

homework should not be graded on accuracy. The teacher’s job is to explain the material, and if they do not, then the student should not suffer the consequences. It is only fair that way.
Finally, no homework should be due on the day of a quiz/test. It is a horrible feeling to know that you did the homework all wrong just to have to take a quiz or test on something you don’t understand. If teachers plan to assess their students, adequate review must be done to ensure that the students truly understand what they are being taught.
In all, homework can be extremely beneficial for students if applied in the correct ways. Having a fair amount of homework that covers the material taught in class can lead to better grades and better learning overall. Unfortunately, the most basic requirements to achieve all the benefits of homework are not being met, which is likely the cause of its resentment.