Everyone always asks why the chicken crossed the road but no one talks about who was the chicken that crossed the road…until now. My goal was to find the chicken that crossed the road to get the details on this story. I searched the chicken pens and his house but I did not find him. I had searched low and high for the chicken but It was like he had disappeared into oblivion. I had not dared to search the road because I feared
that I was wasting time. But as a last stitch effort, I checked the roads and found that he was still trying to cross it. I invited him out for coffee to get the whole story. It first began as a joke but when we heard what the chicken had to say, we were surprised.
How Chris P. Nugget became a meme
His name was Chris P. Nugget and he had a lot
to say. The story first starts off with Chris P.
Nugget being a chicken who wanted to cross the
road to get away after witnessing something
horrid at his house. He was coming home after a
long day when he opened the door to find his
wife had been turned into an eight piece
barbecue chicken wings! Horrified, he ran to the
road and tried to cross it when someone took a
picture of him. Since the chicken didn’t have a
phone, he didn’t know he was a meme, but now
he knows. So, the next time you try to make a joke about the chicken, remember that he was crossing the roads to get away from the human.