It is a Catholic tradition to celebrate First Fridays in honor of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus. In order to make amends for sins and honor Our Lord, Catholics attend Mass and
receive the Holy Eucharist on nine consecutive First Fridays of the month. Many also recite
the Rosary. Many priests hear Confessions for penitents on that day.
Cardinal Newman High School, being a Catholic school, celebrates First Fridays for
students. At 7:15 in the morning, a visiting priest says the Mass for all the faculty, students,
and guests who wish to attend. Many come early to recite the Rosary. If possible, the same
priest or a different one offers the Sacrament of Penance for students following the Mass
during the school day.
Mr. Zarcone is instrumental in keeping these feasts sacred. He always comes in early
to help the priest prepare for Mass and serves alongside him. Many teachers likewise help
with the Mass. Mrs. Smith often sings the Responsorial Psalm. Students also assist during
the Mass. Mr. Zarcone often entrusts one student to light the candles or read the First
Reading for that day.
Of course, the visiting priests are the ones who make the Mass happen. Many of
them come from their parishes in other towns to say Mass for us. Some make time to hear
Confessions afterward. W e are all very thankful for their time to come and be with the
Cardinal Newman community.
All students and faculty are encouraged to attend these Masses! It is a great way to
honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is even a form of penance for some to wake up extra
early to attend Mass and make time for Jesus. And remember, NO MEAT ON FRIDAYS!