Over the past month of February, it seems that there has been a bout of viral sickness
going around our beloved campus. Many students have reported feeling congested and
fatigued, often staying home and missing days of school as a result. I myself have been
a victim of the clutches of this sickness, but luckily got over it within a few days.
However, because of the missed days, I’ve been struggling to play catch up. Some
students have experienced a similar fate, including being absent for important tests for
their honors subjects. Obviously, it has proven to be quite the pandemic of missing
students and individuals going home early. It seems that staying clean is the most
important thing in these times, so I’m going to give you some tips on staying safe from
Firstly, make sure you’re always washing your hands after using the restroom or before
meals. Never touch any particle of food if your hands aren’t clean, as this can promote
the spread of oral bacteria. If you’re wise, or don’t have access to a sink and soap, carry
around hand sanitizer. If you feel like you may have touched something that has been
contaminated, sanitize your hands. Avoid close contact with anyone you may know,
even if they’re friends or family if they’re showing signs of sickness. Distancing is the
key to staying healthy. Oh, and if you happen to be sick — the same rules apply. Lastly,
always remember to minimize contact with items that may have been touched more
than once. You never know who could’ve touched it. Stay safe, Crusaders — and feel
better to those who are currently sick.
Viral Sickness at Newman
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About the Contributor
Angelina Alba, Staff Writer
Angelina is a current junior at Cardinal Newman High School and formerly attended St. Juliana. She was part of Art Club and Literature Club last year, and plans to attend again. Alba is most interested in writing, history and social sciences. Art and creative writing is a hobby of hers.