The idea of “success” is measured differently in everyone’s eyes. As high school students, it is
often that we might view a college degree as the defining touch and end goal in our careers. A
college degree holds the power to open a whole new world of possibilities to those who hold one,
many people find themselves later in life employed in jobs that are not related to what they
attended college for.
A degree is required for many jobs, especially those in the medical, engineering or law fields.
Having a college degree includes the benefits of more job opportunities, refined preparation in
specialized fields, and even an increased earning potential. Additionally, college can help
students develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills, which are
valuable in any and all careers. Although all these things sound incredibly appealing, they are not
The stories of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the inventor of the lightbulb himself, Thomas Edison,
prove that it is possible to succeed in life without owning a college degree. These people got far
in life based on their hard-work, determination and drive to succeed. A degree can be a tool for
success, but personal skills, determination, and experience also play important roles.
One way to be successful career wise is through the connections one might have. Sometimes,
one may be able to get far in life based on the influential people they know that are able to give
them a boost. It is implored that individuals are able to choose the path correct for them, as for
college and the student lifestyle is not for everyone.
An article published by Forbes, it was revealed that, “While 52% of college graduates are
working in jobs that don’t require higher education, 75% of them remain in this situation for a
full decade after college.” In 2022, Northeastern University found that 91% of jobs go to those
with degrees, some including higher paying opportunities.
At the end of the day, the ball is in our court. It is up to us only to decide what it is we want to do
with our lives. Whether that is to stay in school or pursue jobs in trade or anything at all, it is
important to have confidence in our choices, as success is not about the framed piece of paper we
want to hang in our homes, but the knowledge we gained along the way.
Do Degrees Measure Success?
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About the Contributor
Graciela Gonzalez Sanchez, Staff Writer
Graciela is a current sophomore at Cardinal Newman High School. She currently attends St. Juliana and is a member of the drama club, best buddies, and is president of the multicultural club. She enjoys soccer and formula one.