On average, how long does it take you each night to do your homework? This was what was asked of students this month, and these are the responses:
Julia Veach (10): “It generally takes me 2-3 hours per night.”
Tylee Held(9): “I don’t do my homework.”
Izzy Hamila (10): “I don’t do my homework or an hour on nights I do it.”
Riley Gorman (10): “Generally 2-3 hours. I have a lot of homework.”
Iliana Palumbo (11): “Around 15-30 minutes, because I don’t have a lot of homework.” Grace Favole (11): “5 hours per night.”
Sienna Rubio (10) : “30 mins, because I do most of my homework at school.”
Lucas Hernandez-Trujillo (11): “1-3 hours per night, depending on workload.”
Lyla Perry (9): “1 hour per night.”
Gabby Miller (12): “1-3 hours per night.”
Izzy Close(9): “1-2 hours per night.”
Nicklaus Wallmeyer (10): “1-2 hours on an average night.”
James Wandtke (10): “Generally around 3 hours.”
Anjolie Boyd (11): “4-5 hours. I sometimes don’t even finish all my homework.”
Alessia Messina (12): “2-3 hours each night.”
Sophia Perez (11): “3-5 hours.”
Luca Melluzzi (11): “An hour but depending on what homework I have.”
Jack Vollaro (12): “That’s a good question. It all depends on the day. Sometimes 30 minutes or 2 hours.”
Elizabeth Allaga (9): “4 hours depending on the night.”
Graciela Gonzalez Sanchez (9): “About 4-5 hours.”
Thank you for reading this month’s survey! Be sure to participate in next month’s survey, till next time Crusaders!