The History of Valentine’s Day


On February 14th, or Valentine’s Day, happy couples around the globe celebrate their love for each other. They give one another gifts, including chocolate, candies, and flowers. We celebrate this day in honor of St. Valentine, but who is he and why is the holiday celebrated on February 14th?
There are at least different three saints with the name Valentine recognized in the Catholic Church. All of them defended peoples’ right to love in different ways. They were killed and martyred for their actions, some of which defied the Pope as well as the Emperor at the time. Valentine of Rome, working as a priest in the third century, presided over the ceremonies of young men getting married after Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for them. When he was found out, Valentine was sentenced to death by Claudius. Another possibly namesake for the holiday would be Valtine of Terni. He was executed by Claudius as well. The third legend comes from an imprisoned Valentine. During his time in jail, he would write love letters to a young woman, who is most likely the warden’s daughter. She visited during his time in prison, and one of his letters to her was signed “From your Valentine,” which is where we get the popular saying. Overall, Valentine’s Day is based on vague historical facts combined into one holiday, a celebration of love .
February 14th was designated as Valentine’s Day due to the date of St. Valentine’s burial, around 270 AD. Another reason for the timing of the holiday would be the Pagan festival of love, which takes place annually in the month of February.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in honor of the many St. Valentines’ of the world to commemorate their valiant actions that protected the right to love.