Historic Turn


This season the Crusaders have had their first undefeated regular football season in 40 years! They played against many schools and still managed to win with a greater advantage. Our team was number one in the county and made it into the top 10 schools for the state. This is not an easy achievement to accomplish but thanks to multiple days of hard work and training, they were able to do it.

This was the second year in a row that the Crusaders made it to the regional finals, another major accomplishment. In order to accomplish this, the team had to claim victory over many other difficult teams such as Benjamin . This year was also the ninth consecutive year that our football team was awarded with the Knights’ Cup. The Crusaders were also ranked number seven for football in the state, which is a major accomplishment and something to be extremely proud of. For the first time in history, our football team was also selected as “Team of the Year” during the 31st annual Lou Groza Awards Ceremony. These accomplishments prove to other schools and rival teams that our football team is not one that should be taken lightly. 

Not only did the Crusaders have a historic undefeated season, but they also had ten touchdowns scored by the defense, 32 passing touchdowns, and 17 rushing touchdowns. This resulted in an average of 34 points per game. They also had 125 tackles per loss and four shutouts. 

Our Crusaders have made not only our school proud, but also their families and friends. Those players should be feeling extremely proud of their achievements and hard work paying off. We can be sure to expect many recruitments and possibly a future career in the game for some of our Crusaders coming their way. Go Crusaders!