Crusader Lunch Hitting Hearts
“What time is it? It’s time for lunch! What time is it?? It’s time for lunch!!” Crusaders, yes
it is time for lunch! Here at Cardinal Newman High School, lunch is served under Catering Solutions, a renowned catering business based in South Florida. They provide balanced and nutritious meals, and supposedly gourmet ones too…but do they really meet these standards?
Well that’s an easy question…the most common Crusader favorite is the famous chicken wings meal, served with fries. This scrumptious creation embodies the true aspects of flamboyant flavor and taste. The zesty buffalo sauce and fried perfection combine into a majestic meal that you are surely never to forget. No matter how stressed you may be with school work, the Crusader wings are sure to brighten your day.
Cardinal Newman students seem to truly enjoy their American cuisine as they also favor the classic cheeseburger, served with fries. The burger is comparable to favorites served from BurgerFi, Mcdonalds, or even a home cooked meal. It simply melts in your mouth, especially when it is served along with the various condiments provided by Cardinal Newman.
The infamous chicken tenders sit comfortably at third place. These typical bad boys are so simple, yet so admirable. They are the perfect combo of crispy breading, grease, and moisture. Dipped in your favorite sauce, they easily bring a smile to your face. And not only do they please your stomach, but they also please your time. They greatly are a convenience to the students’ shortened lunch schedule.
It seems that Cardinal Newman does indeed provide the best savory meals for their students. With the mouthwatering chicken wings, succulent cheeseburgers, and appetizing chicken tenders, lunch is always anticipated. When entering the cafeteria, you know you are going to receive the perfect combination of brilliant food, superb service, and fantastic atmosphere.

Crede is a current senior at Newman and attends St. Edward's Catholic Church. Crede is President of the Spanish Honor Society, Historian of National Honor...