Cardinal Newman’s Superior Band

Hey Crusaders! It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on our fantastic band program, and we have some exciting news. If this weren’t just an article, I think this update would warrant a drumroll. On Friday, February 4th, the Brass and Woodwind Choirs individually won the highest honor a band can earn, Superior ratings!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with evaluations of the fine arts department, many concert bands prepare material to present to judges at varying tiers, whether that be at district, state, or even national levels. This presentation is then evaluated by the judge(s) present, with specific notes and ratings, the highest being “Superior.” These notes and ratings provide high school and middle school bands, and their directors, with valuable information on what should be worked on and what strengths a group has. At some of these events, the entire concert band will perform together; at others, the band is divided into sections like Brass and Woodwind Choirs. Some students choose to prepare solo pieces for their own individual evaluations so that they can improve their craft personally.

Our Brass and Woodwind Choirs performed for judges at William T. Dwyer High School and each group received a Superior rating. This is a fantastic feat, as it has been years since our band has received a Superior rating in any division! The Brass Choir prepared an alluring Bach piece entitled “If Thou Be Near” and the Woodwind Choir performed a lively Mozart selection entitled “Finale” from “Ten Masterworks for Woodwind Choir.” 

As mentioned earlier, students also have the opportunity to prepare solos to be evaluated individually. Some spectacular members of the CN Band earned Superior ratings on their solo performances and we want to take a moment to congratulate them!

  • Matthew Martin (12th Grade) – Snare Drum
  • Shane Rogers (12th Grade) – Snare Drum
  • Dallas DeSouza (10th Grade) – Baritone/Euphonium
  • Claudgena Alcimi (10th Grade) – Trombone
  • Joseph Ilcus (11th Grade) – Alto Saxophone
  • Bailee Lizza (12th Grade) – Flute

We are very proud of the hard work that went into these achievements and can’t wait to see what else is in store for our Crusader Band!