Crusader Beach Cleanup with Loggerhead Marinelife Center!

Hey Crusaders! On Saturday November 20 the green club and some other students volunteered to take part in a beach clean up at Loggerhead Marinelife Center. The event had a great showing with about 40 students doing their part. Walking along the beach they were able to collect a very large amount of trash including things like, bottles, bottle caps, pieces of plastic and a variety of other items. Mrs Granados (who was the supervisor of this event) also found an injured baby turtle under some seaweed. She brought the turtle up to the Loggerhead Center and they accepted it into their turtle hospital. In the ocean there are currently more pieces of plastic than there are fish, so every event like this really does help make a difference in the environment. The cleanups at Loggerhead usually take place on the third Saturday of every month, so try to take some time to go help out. Each time a beach cleanup is completed at Loggerhead Marinelife Center they will record what trash is found to get a more general idea of which pieces of garbage are most commonly found. By taking part in this event these students have a better understanding of how we are impacting our environment.