“What Are You Looking Forward to the Most This Year?”
In this back-to-school segment special take a look at what our students are are most excited for this year!
Hello crusaders, long time no see. Hi I am Diana sentowski, an incredible staff writer for Newman’s own newspaper. I know we haven’t been back for long but get ready for some fun and exciting activities and events coming soon. With that being said in an attempt to socialize more with the student body I went around campus asking different students from each grade what they were looking forward to most this year. Now while reading these keep in mind possibly what you are excited about this year and keep that thought in your head as the year goes on and see if you accomplish it. Here are some of your student body’s answers about what they’re most excited for.
- Marty Mennes (11th grade)- I’m looking forward to new possibilities and opportunities
- Alex Sardina (11th grade)- Hopefully for a normal and fun year!
- Mia Pairseleti (11th grade)- I am looking forward to the football games!
- Johnny Mennes (9th grade)- sports and not dying in Gibson!
- Diego Henkle (10th grade)- The end of the year.
- Gilbert Suarez (11th grade)- Hopefully no more covid.
- Rebecca (10th grade)- I am looking forward to school events and dances and sports!
- Michael Martinez (12th grade)- Looking forward to the spike ball tournaments.
- Isa Suarez (12th grade)- I’m looking forward to cheering at the football games and the senior trip!
- Josue Martinez (11th grade)- to prepare for the future and have fun!
- Erin Mooney (11th grade)- going to Costa Rica!
- Michael Desyoners (11th grade)- The dances because I have so many cool fits.
So crusaders there you go, there are just some of the students hopes and excipients for the upcoming year. Remember don’t forget to follow cn blue and gold on instagram and hope all of you guys have a great year and stay healthy.

Diana Sentowski is a junior at Cardinal Newman High School. Sentowski attends St. Patricks Catholic Church. Diana is the president of key club and...