Black Friday Madness 2020

BLACK FRIDAY​! It’s a day of crazy low prices, crazy customers, and crazy stories. Black Friday is every customer’s favorite time of year (and every employee’s worst nightmare.) But, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be massive changes to Black Friday. For once there will be limited store shopping, and many people will stay home to shop. So the question is, how will Black Friday look?
Black Friday, being the day of low prices, is the day of the consumer. It’s the one day where almost everything is affordable, but with COVID-19, shopping on this day has become much harder. You can’t try clothes on or test gadgets out. Online shopping is an option, but there is a risk when choosing things like clothes and shoes. COVID has also made Black Friday a less barbaric day. Most Black Friday’s end in two ways: either in getting loads of items for low prices, or getting a black eye. But this year, there will be no punches thrown because of the COVID-19 virus. What I think will happen is that, by late afternoon, most online stores will be sold out of their products. There will be little to nothing online, creating a new kind of mass hysteria, which will change the nature of Black Friday. We all know that COVID-19 has altered everyone’s lives, but I think with the added change of Black Friday, this holiday season is going to be a little different.
The tradition of Black Friday will live on because of the internet. It’s going to be like a second Cyber Monday, but on a Friday! People will wake up extra early to beat their fellow shoppers to the best prices. People are going to purchase things right before another can click on

it, and shopping will still bring the same stress. If I had an item swept away from my fingertips like that, I would throw a fit! Nothing will be safe on the desks of shoppers. It reminds me of those video games that people get really angry over. I would be punching the chair or something when I lost an item. In other words, something would end up broken.
So, online shoppers, please check your surroundings before you lose your tempers, and remember to social distance if you plan to shop in person! If you are in stores and six feet apart, you will definitely not get hit by any temper tantrums. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” —The Rolling Stones. Speaking of The Rolling Stones, all the classic hits are becoming less popular! This Black Friday, go out and buy yourself a nice CD, or maybe Apple Music will have a discount! But, listen to all those classics with your mask on and stay six feet away from others!
Remember, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.